robot exit attack

December 2000
December 26th 2000
A Four-Chain POV
Posted the last POV of 2000. She's good stuff, hoss.

What did Santa see fit to give me this year? A nice fat lump of that new-fangled MTX "supervirus". Those unfamiliar can read about it right here. Caught it x-mas eve whilst goin' all Snow King on a backlog of emails. It was an instance of my mouse moving faster than my brain - the offending .exe file had been double-clicked and executed before basic common sense had time to get its boots on. I'm an idiot, apparently, and have paid the price for being such.

Took a couple hours to unglue it from the Station Machine. Damn thing was smart enough to block anti-virus sites. Couldn't even update virus software w/out crashing. Had to roll up the sleeves and go toe-to-toe with the beast right thar in my Registry. I hate foolin' about in the Registry.

Anyone who writes these little virus programs should be slated for experimental, exploratory surgery.

They'll Have to Make the Best of It, It's an Uphill Climb
Saw Cast Away over the weekend. Try and not like Tom Hanks. You can't do it. It just isn't possible.

Choked a little at the end, but still worth checkin' out (about Seven Chains).

December 14th 2000
Colder Than a Taun Taun's Teat
Biting Hoth-like conditions here at the Station HQ. The MotorCity got slammed these past few days. I don't mind tellin' ya, I've had my fill of shoveling. This picture was taken from the lowest point I could find in the yard. Ugly.


Scope out what happened when m'neighbor attempted to Mad Max his way through the mound o' snow the plows left in front of our driveways last night: Do'h!

Gif-in' Ain't Easy
Behold some Station animation button creations...

Postal Experiments
Don't go messin' with the USPS, bub.

December 9th 2000
Serious Bass Whuppin'
Quite a bit of positive feedback on Operation:Thunder Table. True, the Table is an exquisite thing of beauty, but one must always be conscious of the fact that just beneath her sublime exterior is a powerful destructive force capable of reducing her happy home to a pile of smoldering rubble!

Bear witness to these horrifying testaments of how the beloved Table is slowly razing the Station dojo:

Oh, the doorframe! Not the bedroom! Mercy, I tell you! Mercy!
Gasp! My new walls! Why? Why? The mailbox too? Noooooooo!

Sucka MCs Call Me Sire
Me pirate brethren Zac passed this along: You'll not regret downloading "Da Number One" movie, boyeee.

December 4th 2000
Big Ba-Da Boom
A long time coming, Operation: Thunder Table has finally been fully documented. Behold the harrowing genesis of Toshi Station's original coffee table/subwoofer!

call down the thunder!

Eastwood's Competition
Slapped up an all-new Station Entrance. Ackbar and his old lady atop a cruiser of righteous magnitude. The old Kotter entrance has been demoted to the Station Archive with the rest o' the dated material.

Remembering the Past, Cherishing the Present
The cutting edge of fashion:

Into the Cellar
Archived the November main page.

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