X-Files 2008
September 15, 2008
Finally got around to the 90 minute Fringe pilot last night. Good, but not great. Solid enough to carry forward onto the next episode, but failed to achieve the coveted "Season Pass" status right out of the gates.
Pretty spiffy how the various episode locations were announced with giant floating 3D letters, not unlike the opening credits for David Fincher's Panic Room.
 It was also difficult to look at the Massive Dynamic logo without thinking of Mario circa 1996:
 The Good: Plenty of special special effects (transparent skin, melting faces, and the like). Bionic arms! Surprisingly good soundtrack.
The Bad: Dug the crazy scientist guy, but can't get past the way he sent Faramir on that suicide mission to Osgiliath.
The Ugly: No time/energy to follow the non-televised aspects of the series. These ARG things wear me out. Feels too much like homework, particularly for a show I am not yet invested in (unlike Lost).
See Also: Fringe Official Site Massive Dynamic.com Imagine the Impossibilities.com (Fringe ARG) Fringpedia.net Fringe Bloggers.com PictureMill.com (Panic Room title design house)