Chitlins, Whiskey & Skirt
November 22, 2005
At last, an MP3 version of an outstanding little ditty from TStation favorite, Full Throttle. The hip well know, this was a LucasArts adventure title from 1995 (the Golden Age of the adventure genre). It was created by the gaming genius known as Tim Schafer, who had a hand in such classics as The Secret of Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, and, more recently, the excellent game Pychonauts.
Anyway. If you've played Full Throttle, you'll recall the warbly tune that plays on the radio in Todd's dingy trailer (when Ben's on the search for a welder that'll allow Mo to fix his chopper). That'd be "Increased Chances" by Chitlins, Whiskey & Skirt. Now available here (2.5MB).