The raging debate over
the proper spelling of Toshi Station continues to gain
stunning momentum (I shudder to think where something of
this proportion could lead if left unchecked). I can't
begin to count all the email messages that come pouring
in on a daily bases (mainly because there hasn't been
any). I have run across several sites with the
"sche" spelling, and one or two with the
"shi" spelling (not really). According to the original Star Wars script the spelling is "Toshi" OWEN:
Luke, take these two over to the garage, will you? I want
you to However, according to the Star Wars book that came out around the time of the movie (ghost written by Alan Dean Foster) the spelling is "Tosche." Both THE ILLUSTRATED STAR WARS UNIVERSE that was recently published and the GUIDE TO THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE also claim the station is spelled "sche." This all, no doubt, stems from liberty Foster took with the screenplay when he penned that first Star Wars novel. The title of this site will remain as it is:
Station Management! (You say) I need still more
proof!" Well kids, you need look no farther than
your local Suncoast or favorite movie paraphernalia
outlet. The trilogy scripts published by the prestigious Premiere
Magazine utilize the correct "shi"
spelling. Yes, those paperback oversized scripts you see
all over the place with the red or black die-cut cover
showing an early movie poster painting. Check 'em out.
The obvious source of reference for these bad boys would
be the original scripts. How much more proof could you require? The Star Wars Insider did an article on cut-scenes and how did they spell Toshi Station? The "shi" way, of course. This is the most recent spelling to come out of LucasFilm, and thus the most correct. Case closed. Nothing to see here. Go about your buisness. Thank you. |