Garmug's Medal Rack is a listing of the ports Garmug finds to be of a-mazing quality and integrity. Ports that stand out from the herd; a display of dedication and originality.

A seasoned traveler of the known systems, Garmug decided one morning that there were select destinations in need of recognition. And what better way to honor a site than a medal? Later Garmug was struck with the notion that since not every site could receive a medal, he would award badges to the high achievers as well.

There are some who may think badge status isn't as lofty as medal status and thus Garmug says onto you: apples and oranges. You figure it out.

Garmug has in fact hung up the flight goggles and is pretty much callin' it "quitsville." He will still bestow a medal or badge now and again on special occasions, but we suspect they will be few and far, far between. Don't bother emailing him for medal requests-- with them goggles hung up he can't read a damn thing (s'why he squints)...

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