As the mighty Gammy spreads his message across the Outer Rim, his influence grows. You've read his books, you've seen the holovid broadcasts and have attended the seminars -- his rare blend of religion and commerce is second to none. He has brought you the GamMatic Juicer ? and the GamMatic II Bread-maker ? -- well, now Internet Explorer users can bring the Gammy experience to their own desktop computers! Simply download the zip, follow the instructions and behold: wisdom, chum, and truth.
Here is an example of how Gammy will look in your very own browser! Too good to even be true? Guess again, friend, because you can download this wonder right here, right now. Simply click HERE and suck up the 4k zip! Netscape user? Well, Uncle Gammy hasn't forgotten ya: click HERE and take in a zip chock full of Gammy desktop icons!

As featured in the July '97 issue of Lockergnome! Yow!

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