Highlight of the show. We probably took a dozen pictures of her and only these two turned out. The copious detail on this enormous Falcon was indeed glorious; far, far more than what was ever caught on film. Scorch marks, blast holes, mismatched panels, even the six trade-mark black circular vents in the back were actually tiny little vents with CPU fans beneath them. One detail in particular gave exhibit-goers some surprising insight into Chewie's sense of brand loyalty: a tiny Champion Spark Plugs sticker (y'know, with the red and white triangles) on the front of the ship. Those loopy fellers at Lucasfilm -- whatta bunch of cards...
Picture on right taken from the stairs leading to the massive second-floor gift shop to give you a sense of size... The blurry white disc on the immediate left is a smaller Falcon model with the same incredible level of detail seen on all the ships at the exhibit.

The gift shop was most impressive, harboring more items than the actual exhibit. Picked up two very hip Myth of Magic posters for a mere 8 bucks a hit -- normally 10 bucks, tell 'em you're from Toshi Station and receive the VIP discount...

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