robot exit attack

July 2000:
August 2000:
August 28th 2000
Fink Reading
Penned a horn-tootin' POV today. Check it. When yer done readin' it, be sure to scope out this site. I pronounce it to be High Art!
August 24th 2000
Double Wide
Pulled an old Station Entrance out of retirement; the Trailer Park Landspeeder has always been a fav. Almost as good as the Mean Streets entrance of yore (accessible, as always, from the Station Archive section).
August 20th 2000
Shaken, Not Stirred
Rented The World is Not Enough DVD over the weekend here. Not one of the better Bond flicks. The worse of the Brosnan run to be sure. The really painful part was, as we were plunkin' down the rental dinero at m'local Blackbuster, the cashier stops and says: "Y'know, I'll let you rent this movie for free you can answer a Bond trivia question."

Now, back in the day I fancied myself to be quite the Bond aficionado - all the Connery movies, a couple books, even the RPG for a brief spell in 7th grade: "Bring on your so-called trivia, madam - I am ready to partake in gratis spy cinema."

"Where did the title The World is Not Enough come from?"

Oooooh lordy. I got zip. Nada. Not single clue. Couldn't even rustle up a guess. Ghug. Apparently it has to do with the Bond family crest. A bit on knowledge dropped in The Spy Who Loved Me. Was she actually gonna pony up a free rental? I'll never know, cause I stink (at trivia, apparently).

Also saw What Lies Beneath. Better than expected. Didn't like that the trailer gave away some key plot points, but still a few surprises in there.

August 12th 2000
Harvard is My Safety
The Rushmore: Criterion Collection DVD finally arrived. Supposed to have been here a week or two ago. Called to complain and the folks at Amazon wasted no time shipping out another. Whatta good bunch o' trust-worthy fellers.

Great film. Bill Murray at his finest. Glorious soundtrack. Fully-loaded DVD. Scope it out.

Darkside of Democracy (and the Spruce Goose Connection)
Being the eminent high-brow political satirist that I am, I recently put together the following image for that Rebelscum site (click to enlarge):

secret identity! woo!

The conspiracy exposed. A day after I post it some fella from a daily newspaper in Memphis emails to ask permission to publish the image in his paper. Funny. A day after that I hear some nationally syndicated political radio talk show host (Neal Boortz, for those in know) carried on about the picture for five minutes on his show and gave the Rebelscum URL to his listeners.

In short, I'm famous now and you are not (ok, Jeremy's famous too). Wealth, power, ego - all mine.

Don't worry about this newfound celebrity goin' to my head. Hey, I'm still gonna be like any of you good, average people - my butler puts my silk pants on me one leg at a time.

Another Kodak Moment
The hunt (nay, obsession) continues. I've taken long hard looks at the Olympus 3030z and the Nikon Coolpix 990 (comparing both to the DC4800). Got pretty excited about the 3030z for a spell there, but was disappointed with the amount of chromatic aberrations visible at wide angles in the sample images I've seen. Unacceptable. The DC4800 continues to lead the pack - though I've still not read many reviews.

That is all.

August 9th 2000
We Got Deathstar
Star Wars Rap, yo. Scope this out post haste - some mean Flash stuff (the mighty Station even gets a quick mention). Aw yea, boyeee.
August 8th 2000
Kodak Moment
I knew you wouldn't want to go another day without an update on the digital camera situation...

If I had to plunk down the shekels for a camera today, it would be the mighty Kodak DC290. Glowing reviews across the board. 2.1 megapixels, Digita scripting, very flexible.

However, Kodak has also just released the DC4800 - their first foray into the world of 3 megapixels. Looks to be a pretty advanced camera. Top of their consumer line. Doesn't ship until the end of this month - not many online reviews (only found one, actually). Probably gonna hold off on a purchase until I can get my hands on some more 4800 literature.

Also got m'eye on the Nikon CoolPix, though I'm leaning toward the Kodak brand - got muself a blood-re-lation who works at Kodak in Rochester, NY. Hopin' he'll hook his geek nephew up with a sly employee discount...

August 6th 2000
The Big One!
Rolled out a shiny new Station Entrance. She's a heavy download at 48k (for a front page), but what the heck - s'what Elizabeth woulda wanted... Knocked the old Punch-Out entrance over to the Station Archive section.

Clock's Ticking, Bob, and I'm Only Getting Older
Caught Space Cowboys last night. There was some concern during the first half of the movie that this was strictly one for the grandparents, but turned out to be pretty gol-darn entertaining. And something you can take yer Na-Na to as well. Fizzled just a bit at the end.

I'd still have to say Eastwood's best directorial effort was A Perfect World with that Kevin Costner. Outlaw Josey Wales wasn't bad either, now that I think about it...

August 5th 2000
Thinking of investing in one of those new-fangled digital cameras. Currently got my eye on the mighty Kodak DC290. Sports a beefy 2 megapixels, though has a somewhat disappointing 3x optical zoom (and I hear is a battery hog). Gets high marks in most reviews I've read, however.

So, who has one of these bad boys and can regale me with a story or two?

Presto Change-o
Station Layout V2.5 - now features a black bar on the left side, where it still probably looks a little heavy, but at least it isn't lop-sided. Ghug. Ahm done messin' with it. Focus on makin' some updates around here, y'dig?

Remember that D&D cartoon that was on Saturday mornings way back in the 80's? What did that goofy wizard-wannabe kid use to say when he performed his feats o' magic (which always backfired, but still managed to save the day)? Was it "presto change-o"? I'm thinking not, but I can't recall what exactly his line was...

Into the Cellar
Archived the July main page.

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