Editorial Number Five: Chris Bo Peep

I'm a tendin' a Jedi Goat. Have been for just over a week.

Yes, my very first foray into the strange and mysterious world of Facial Hair. This will be m'first goatee (the hip know it as a "Vandyke"), though I have long envied Obi Wan's mighty white goat and when I beheld Liam Neeson and his charley in The Episode I Trailer it became apparent that this was the facial hair of choice for 9 out of 10 Jedi Masters.

In college my roommate and his friends used to observe what they called Evil Goatee Week. The concept here was that you didn't shave for a week in hopes, I suppose, of sprouting some sinister stereotypical pointy devil-beard. Though
baaaa-a-a-ainvited, I never partook mainly because by the end of the week I knew whatever my face was able to cultivate would be stringy rather than pernicious (most certainly not a look conducive to the beguilement o' the lady-folk, if you know what I'm sayin'). This, of course, never stopped Zac (but then again you already had a lil'chicka-dee, didn't you Zac) and his chums...

I enter this new Forbidden Whisker Palace with much trepidation and a concern that the end result may be some cheesy peach fuzz with a few lonely black wires here and there - Tommy Pickles' head on my chin - but those who know Chris know he's a risk-taker, a gamblin' man, a run-around-with-scissors kinda guy, and baby, the kid is willing to chance it!

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