Editorial Number Four: Madam, I'm Adam

I am weak. I am pathetic.

I talk the big talk about avoiding all prequel info - friends ask "So, Chris, what is going on with these new Star War movies? I hear Harvey Keitel plays some sort of bald Jedi cop?"

To them I proudly proclaim: "Ha! I avoid such 'spoiler' knowledge. I don't want to know and I pity those who do!"

Such is the length I go to recapture the former glory that was my mis-spent youth in a galaxy far away.

However, when push came to shove (as it recently did, Philip) I abandoned my pompous conviction faster than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs*. I was offered the forbidden fruit and wolfed it right down. Now I don't feel so hot. Now I feel a little queasy. Now I have seen actual costumed characters from the prequels. Now I have read bits of dialogue - the popular marketing phrases. Now I know more than I ever wanted to know. I am suddenly ashamed of my nakedness.

Well, it was a learning experience for all involved (ok, just me actually). That one bite of the apple is gonna be it for this cowpoke, I promise you that. To quote master thespian Short Round; "No more para-chute!"

Except for the trailer, there will be nothing between me and ground zero. Probably.


* phrase courtesy them Duke Boys...

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