Editorial Number Three: These are a few of my fav-o-rite things

Cleaning out the bookmark stable the other day and thought I'd share with you, the valued reader, a couple of the finer destinations in the armamentarium:
Ritterversal Studios. Perhaps the greatest electronic homage to John Ritter you will ever see. Always reminds me of my friend Zac who, during one summer in his misspent youth, watched Three's Company three times a day - two of which being reruns of the same episode. Hardcore, man. Hardcore.


The Spumco homepage. Home to George Liquor (American), Jimmy the Idiot Boy, and the curvaceous Sody Pop (hubba-hubba). Complete with online cartoons baby! Oh yeah!


Furniture Porn. Couches and chairs gettin' it on! What is with these strange feelings of guilt I have when looking at this site?


THE site for those hip to the wild wild west scene. Can't say as I care for most of his other movies, but Clint's westerns are the whup. Amazingly well designed.


The Fabulous Ruins of Detroit. The majestic Motor City in all its decaying glory.
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