When it comes to partakin' of that high-brow entertainment
know as "The Cinema" we here at th' Station generally
prefer to rent one of those new-fangled DVDs and make that baby
thunder on the mighty Home Theater.
Recently strange and wonderful circumstances have arisen,
however, that allows us to take in all the complimentary movies
we can handle at our local stadium-seating multi-plex (don't
wanna jinx the deal by filling in those details). Our track
record thus far:
Toy Story II
Amazing movie. Pure hilarity. Can't recommend this enough. Those
Pixar fellas got it all figured out...
The Messenger (Joan of Arc)
I dig both Besson (Fifth Element, Big Blue, Professional) and
Milla (Multipass), but couldn't really get into this movie.
Strangely disjointed plot. No real character growth or clear
motivation. Some brutal fight scenes though - almost on par with
the tussles in Braveheart.
The Green Mile
Wasn't Shawshank. Can't help but to make that comparison. Got
pretty wishy-washy towards the end - probably about 30 minutes
too long. Ol' Sparky had some great scenes though...
Glorious script. Saw it opening night and had a blast. Caught it
again weeks later and found it to be tedious in many areas
(apparently high expectations and the lack of an applauding
crowd had adverse effects). Kevin Smith is gonna have a hard
time topping Chasing Amy.
Galaxy Quest
Surprisingly good. Slick effects, clever plot, amusing the whole
way through. Not a huge Tim Allen fan, but dug it just the same.
Odd movie. Solid start. Slow middle. Great ending. For those who
have seen it, the toll-free number for Frank Mackey's
"Seduce and Destroy" program actually works as of this
writing (1-877-TAME-HER).
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Long. Pretty much a one trick pony. You knew what was gonna
happen and had to sit through two+ hours of this unholy
abomination waiting for the inevitable.