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Check out some pictures of the San Diego Comic Con 2004 that went down late last July. This year the con was expanded to fill the entire San Diego convention center - more than 600,000 square feet (and yet it was still shoulder-to-shoulder on Saturday). I wrote up a feature on the Con over at Rebelscum, which, naturally, focuses on the whole Star Wars angle.

Some of the highlights of this year's geek fiesta included:

  • Sin City movie presentation by Rodriguez and Miller, complete with moody black and white test footage. Can the movie be as good as the books? The jury is out, but these are the guys to do it, if any is gonna...
  • Met Walt Simonson, picked up a Thor sketch. By Odin!
  • Chatted with Tim Bradstreet, picked up a Punisher sketch.
  • Met Geof Darrow, picked up a great oddball sketch of a guy (which I much later realized it was me) with a bird atop his head.
  • Bumped into Robert Rodriguez Saturday on show floor.
  • After the SW Fanfilm awards took in the SW One-Man Show. Recommended (though not as mind-blowing as the "Star Wars in 30 Minutes" play).
  • During the single hour that I worked the cash register at the C2 Ventures autograph booth I sold two Kenny (R2-D2) Baker autograph tickets to Winnie Cooper from the Wonder Years. Winnie Cooper! She's quite the foxy drink of water these days. I called her "Minnie".
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